Chirp radio programming software download

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Running CHIRP next-20231223 on Python 3.8.2 wxPython 4.2.0 osx-cocoa (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.2.0 David Moore 10:35 AM Bug #11058 (New): Not all modes supported on Yaesu FT70D Mark Gerber 02:45 PM Bug #11059 (New): Baofeng UV-17R ham radio not working with chirp After several attempts to program my Baofeng UV-17R ham radio with chirp, I have given up. > After several attempts to program my Baofeng UV-17R ham radio with chirp, I have given up.

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David Moore 02:51 PM Bug #11059: Baofeng UV-17R ham radio not working with chirp David Moore wrote: I tried all usb port options shown in the chirp menu, and got the same results. Andrew Irwin 03:21 PM Bug #11059: Baofeng UV-17R ham radio not working with chirp Hi Mark, thanks for the response. Jim Unroe 03:56 PM Feature #11060 (New): uv17 pro is there advanced settings like on the uv-5r so you can disable the transmit on the uv-17 pro.

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It has to be done on a per-channel basis. Rolf pe1ptp 06:25 PM New Model #10692 (In Progress): Wouxun KG-Q10H New Model Support Mel Terechenok 06:25 PM New Model #10925 (In Progress): New Model Support for Wouxun KG-Q10G GMRS radio Mel Terechenok 05:13 PM Feature #11060: uv17 pro The radio doesn't offer a setting to disable TX globally. Today 12:15 AM Bug #11058: Not all modes supported on Yaesu FT70D It looks like not all modes are listed in `` on line 359.

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